Dimas Jackson

Data Engineer

Denominational Schools Analysis


Situation: In this project, data from the 2021 school census, was analyzed to identify and obtain information about the profile of evangelical denominational schools in Brazil for the Association of Christian Schools International ACSI.

Task: The task was to analyze the data and identify the quantity and profile of evangelical schools in Brazil, including their size, location, infrastructure, and ownership.

Action: Through a keyword search for terms related to this segment, 1905 evangelical schools were identified, and their data was analyzed to draw conclusions about the profile of these schools. A data extraction, cleaning and transformation was made and descriptive statistc was conducted to reveal insights about the denominational schools. Finally, a interactive Power BI dashboard was created to allow stakeholders search and obatain information on demand about the brazilian evangelical educaton.

Result: The analysis revealed that Brazilian evangelical schools are mostly small or medium-sized schools, concentrated in urban areas, and offering early childhood education. Most of these schools are maintained by private companies or non-profit institutions, but there is also a small number maintained by NGOs, OSCIPs, and labor unions. Over half of the schools use the internet in the teaching and learning process, and most do not have nutritionists, speech therapists, social workers, and psychologists. The project recommends that ACSI develop materials and services aimed at the profile of schools described above, and projects be designed to raise awareness about the importance of Christian education in the final years of primary, secondary, and technical education. As a result, we provided to ACSI a report with the complete description of the schools and a interactive dashboard for future queries with 2022 updated data.

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