Dimas Jackson

Data Engineer

A YouTube Channel Evolution During Covid-19 Pandemic: From 100 to 4.5M subscribers!

Situation: The project required leveraging the YouTube API to gather channel data and conducting exploratory data analysis to estimate revenue and gain insights into viewership trends.

Task: The task was to assess the profitability of a YouTube channel using available data and analysis tools.

Action: I initiated the project by developing a Python function to interface with the YouTube API, enabling data extraction. Subsequently, I processed and cleaned the collected data, storing it in a structured format, such as a Pandas dataframe. Employing statistical and visualization libraries like Seaborn and Pandas, I conducted exploratory data analysis to uncover patterns and insights within the dataset.

Result: The analysis revealed significant growth for the channel, with an increase of over 1500% in revenue over a two-year period. It was estimated that the channel’s revenue from YouTube ads could range from $500,000 to $6,000,000. However, due to limited access to historical data on views and subscribers, the precise calculation of revenue was challenging. Further analysis, such as tracking the channel’s growth rate over time and identifying key subscriber-driving videos, was hindered by this lack of data. Nonetheless, notable trends were observed, such as a stable percentage of likes despite fluctuations in total views, indicating a potentially loyal audience contributing to sustained revenue.

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